Getting Started
Our Director of Program Support, Sherry Tucker, will serve as your Wedding Coordinator. She will schedule your wedding on our church calendar and arrange for your initial visit with the pastor who will conduct the service. Should you require assistance with music, Sherry will also arrange for you to meet with our soloists and organist/pianist.
There are many details that accompany your wedding (candles, flowers, photographs, videos, audio-visual support, sound, rehearsal, dressing rooms, staging, transportation, special needs, etc.) and Sherry will be of great help. If you have plans for your own wedding coordinator, Sherry will work with them to coordinate all of the details.
You can get started with your wedding plans by contacting Sherry Tucker at 225.387.0617.
Your Pastor
Our pastors consider it a privilege to officiate in weddings where there is serious intention to establish the marriage on Christian principles. You may request any one of our pastors. Every effort will be made to honor your request; however, the pastor’s schedule will determine availability. Pastors from First Presbyterian must officiate at all weddings. Pastors from other churches and denominations may be invited to assist at your wedding based on approval by our officiating pastor.