Is This Sci-Fi or What?
Posted on: January 3, 2025
by: Gerrit Dawson, Senior Pastor
by: Gerrit Dawson, Senior Pastor
2025! Sounds like a song from the 60’s about a far distant dystopian
future. Shouldn’t we all be riding in sky cars like on the Jetsons cartoon? And how is the 21st century a quarter of the way finished? Our 67,000 mile per hour journey around the sun has never seemed faster. As George Jetson used to say every episode, “Jane! Stop this crazy thing!”

At the same time, each new year still brings the excitement of a fresh start. The months stretch out before us with hope that good things can be accomplished. Happy surprises can offset the inevitable difficulties. Relationships can be improved. We can grow in Christ.
That all makes me realize I am currently a prisoner in time who yet has the freedom of eternity inside my heart. I can’t stop the years. But I can realize and partake of the one who is God from everlasting to everlasting. In Christ, I am free to live now with abandon for Christ, as if my life will go on forever. Because it will.
So all of that is just another way of saying the mission of our church. Rushing down time’s ever rolling stream, we gather together to discover the anchor we have in heaven. In Christ, we are not going into the abyss! We are heading for the beautiful new heavens and new earth. Along the way, we offer this eternal lifeline to those who are slipping, sinking, struggling in these days. In other words, as ever, our mission is to go deeper in Christ and further into the world. I savor questing for just that with you, dear congregation!
Celebrating Whitney through Mission
At the end of this month we will celebrate the quarter century ministry
of Whitney Alexander. From youth director to missions minister, this man with the gigantic heart has shepherded people of all ages and all over the world. Some lines that captures Whitney’s wonderful style of ministry could be, “Hey, why don’t you come with me? I’ll pick you up! In fact, I’m on the way now!” Who else could get 75 kids on a 55 passenger bus and still add one more, safely? Who else would drive a team into disaster zones the rest of us avoid? Who else would spend an evening in a Russian jail with another elder? Who else would show up at your house, in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, because somehow, some way, he heard you had a need? On Sunday, January 26, we’ll have one worship service at 10.30 am. Whitney will preach about the enduring legacy of mission. Afterwards we’ll have a reception in his honor. Meanwhile, he hopes we will all honor him by attending all or portions of the global mission conference that occurs that same weekend. Details are in this issue. Thank you, Whitney for your years of service.

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From the Pastors' Desk