Reformation Sunday's Kirkin' O' the Tartans, October 27
Posted: 09/18/2024As we celebrate our Scottish heritage on Reformation Sunday, we focus on what mattered most to our Scottish forebears: not ethnicity, but the gospel of Jesus Christ. From Scotland, we have inherited a passion for Jesus Christ as he is known to us in the Scriptures, the inspired Word of God. Let's celebrate our Scottish roots of our Presbyterian faith by wearing plaids, kilts and tweeds at our one 10 am Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans service on October 27. A congregational meeting will take place during the service for the purpose of electing next year's elders and deacons. Clan Tartans for the Kirkin’ Service We want your clan’s tartan to be represented in the Sanctuary at the annual Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans. Contact Jaci Gaspard to see about including yours ( or 620.0221).