Lord, Enlarge My Vision: Global Missions Conference
Posted: 01/02/2025
Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish, but blessed is the one who keeps the law.” It could be that we need our vision exanded, or maybe even a new vision bestowed upon us by our Creator. During our last weekend in January (25–27), we are privileged to draw from our missionaries, Greg & Elizabeth Mook (Lebanon) and Browning Wood (Africa) who are earnestly engaged in the visions our Savior has bestowed upon them.
We are also privileged to have an incredible blessing with the return of Ben Glenn to First Presbyterian Church gym on Friday night, January 24 for a chalk drawing during the International Friendship Partners Game Night. This event has become a favorite with internationals, First Presbyterian members, and other church friends. There will be many games and an inspiring chalk drawing/message from Ben. And you can arrive hungry . . . there will be plenty of food, cold drinks, and sweets. So, bring your kids, your relatives, and your friends for a great evening of fun!
We global mission enthusiasts would like to see full engagement by First Presbyterian in the Great Commission for all nations. We long to discover new pathways for this engagement while maintaining our focus on the least reached. So clear away any diversions, and come enlarge your vision. And it is Whitney Alexander’s last weekend with us!
Friday, January 24
5.30-8.30 pm: IFP Game Night (Ben Glenn, Chalk Artist); Gym
Saturday, January 25
10 am-12 pm: Global Missions brunch with Browning Wood (Barry Wood ministries in Africa) at the Kozans’
Saturday, January 25
5.30-8 pm: Global Missions dinner with Elizabeth and Greg Mook (EPC missionaries to Lebanon) at the Fabrés’
Please let us know if you are attending by using the registration form.
Sunday, January 26
9.30-10.30 am: Adult Sunday school with Browning Wood (SB 220)
9.30-10.30 am: Children’s Sunday school with Elizabeth and Greg Mook (Sanctuary Basement)
10.30 am-11.30 pm: Whitney Alexander will preach at our 10.30 am service
11.30 am-Noon: Alexanders’ farewell reception