There are golden threads of phrases and word pictures running through Scripture from Genesis through Revelation that stitch the whole story together with glory. These golden threads reveal the deep underlying unity in the Bible and take us to the heart of God’s glorious narrative of redemption.
This Lent we will lift out six of these golden threads and spend a week exploring each:
1. Creation
2. The Lamb of God
3. God Will Dwell with Us
4. I Will Be Your God
5. Fear God
6. Fear Not
Each day we'll say a prayer from Jeremiah 31, read a passage from Scripture, unpack the different contexts of each golden thread, invite the Spirit to weave the thread into our lives, then finish the day with a prayer we hope will internalize what we learned by praying it back to God.
Printed Lent guides will be distributed at worship Sunday, February 23 and March 2. You may also sign up for the daily emails below.
A panel from The Apocalypse Tapestry. 14th century, Castle of Angers, France.